5 Quick Lighting Principles You Should Know

5 Key Lighting Principles

摄影时需要注意作品中的光线运用,而你需要知道如何合理利用光线的 5 个基本原则。

1. Key Lighting

You can think of any light that is the dominant light in a scene as a key light.

在室外进行拍摄时,由于太阳光的光线是最强的,我们通常选择自然光作为 Key Light。Key Light 是整个作品的情绪定位关键。

2. Shadow Generation

In lighting, darkness is just as important as light. This darkness can be caused by the absence of light or by an object blocking the light.

当光打向物体的时候,产生的影子可以影响整幅作品的构图与情绪。所以当你在拍摄视频或摄影时,大部分情况下我们选择用 Key Light 来打造想要的阴影效果。



3. Light Quality Control

The quality of light-whether it is hard or soft-is important in lighting, contributing to the mood of a scene.



4. Fill Lighting

Fill light is generally a soft light that doesn’t cast shadows.

你已经在现场调试好了自己的 Key Light ,但你决定你想要再往现场多加入一些光源,这时候通常会选择加入 Fill Light。Fill Light 属于柔光,并不会对拍摄物件制作阴影。通常在加入 fill light 的时候,会选择在 key light 的对面稍下位置加入。

5. Back Lighting

A third type of light commonly used in a three-point lighting setup is the back light.

背光可以加强拍摄人物或物件的存在感与立体感,通常如果拍摄人物与背景有足够的张力时,摄影师不需要再利用 back light 去突出人物的轮廓与棱角。

These are 5 of the most commonly applied lighting principles you should consider for your next shoot.