How To Start Video Production For Hotels

How To Start Video Production For Hotels

How To Start Video Production For Hotels

毫无疑问,视频宣传是如今最快传递信息、最有效拉拢客户的宣传手法,这条原则适用于各行各业,包括旅馆业,一部出色的视频则可以让你在众多旅馆中脱颖而出。今天就来跟小编一起看一下旅馆业制作 Video Production 时的注意事项吧。


How To Start Video Production For Hotels


现在很多旅馆在拍摄宣传视频时,突出的个性都是他们的住宿体验有多么的奢华,所以想要吸引住顾客的话,只凭精美的装修可能已经不够了,一定要突出自己的独特的卖点。打个比方,如果你的旅馆配有私密沙滩,或是出色的 spa 水疗馆,不放将重点放在这些卖点上。

当然,你在强调卖点的时候,并不需要突兀的让旁白去说出来,可以在视频的内容中加上一段游客享受这沙滩、阳光的片段,或是一组游客享受 spa 里的服务片段即可。这些片段会成为小惊喜,也会让观众在观看视频后记住你的特点,从而左右他们的选择。

How To Start Video Production For Hotels







尽在 RECQUIXIT 录可喜上海视频拍摄制作公司),点击联系我们,聆听你的需求!

Make sure that you contact us today. We’ll have a crew setup for you within 24-48hours.

Tips For Low Cost Video Production

Tips for low cost Video Production

Tips For Low Cost Video Production


Tips for low cost Video Production

Create Multiple Videos To Reduce Your Marginal Cost

最简单、直接的方法就是将一部拍摄成品剪辑成多个视频。一个制作组在拍摄时会多摄录镜头,便于后期剪辑时的成品效果。如果你的预算有限的话,可以与摄录公司协商,在前期拍摄时多拍摄一些内容,然后后期将其剪辑成 2 部或更多部视频作品。

Tips for low cost Video Production

Reduce The Length Of The Video

缩短视频的长度。后期剪辑取决于拍摄的内容,而剪辑出一部 15 分钟的视频,与剪辑一部 5 分钟的视频所需要的内容则相差很多。


Tips for low cost Video Production

Request Photo Stills

在后期剪辑中保留一部分拍摄过程中的照片也是一个好的方法。一般在拍摄视频时,制作组都会有人拍摄一些照片,而这些照片可以用来 po 到社交媒体上,也可以在 presentation 中运用,还可以作为宣传照。



尽在 RECQUIXIT 录可喜上海视频拍摄制作公司),点击联系我们,聆听你的需求!

Make sure that you contact us today. We’ll have a crew setup for you within 24-48hours.

3 Video Production Mistakes You Need To Avoid

3 Video Production Mistakes You Need To Avoid

视频可以让你的市场宣传更加有效率,还可以提升你的销售额,不过制作视频时也有许多需要主要的雷点。今天就来跟小编一起研究制作视频时不要犯的 3 个错误吧。

3 Video Production Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Failing to Promote Brand


利用视频进行市场宣传的最大原因就是宣传自己的品牌、产品和服务。有时候由于制作视频的时候太过于专注视频内容,而忽略了一些其他细节,像是品牌 logo 、产品性能、相关的网页链接等。要注意让观众看完视频之后熟悉你的品牌、你提供的服务和其他你需要宣传的内容。

3 Video Production Mistakes You Need To Avoid 2

Not Watching the Time Limit


视频之所以受欢迎的原因,是因为视频可以在短时间内表达大量的内容,而且很容易被观众理解。如果你没有注意视频时长的话,你的观众会在观看过程中失去兴趣。抛弃过长的开场,直接进入主题,并在视频中的前 30 秒开始讲述重要信息,像是联系信息、产品和服务内容。

3 Video Production Mistakes You Need To Avoid 3

Too Much Going On






尽在 RECQUIXIT 录可喜上海视频拍摄制作公司),点击联系我们,聆听你的需求!

Make sure that you contact us today. We’ll have a crew setup for you within 24-48hours.

5 Video Shooting Principles Pros Know

5 Video Recording Principles You Should Know


In today’s post, we will be sharing with you 5 super-handy tips for those who are venturing into filming on your own. These foundational tips will help you produce rock-solid video results.

The same tips apply if you’re looking for a good video production crew – make sure they’ve got all the following downpat.

你会有拍摄视频或摄影时不知道该如何是好的时候吗?今天小编为大家介绍 5 个小窍门,让你可以像专业人士一样,自己拍摄出满意的作品。


1. Know Your Equipment

You’d be surprised: Most people don’t fully unlock the potential of their own equipment, rendering it under-utilized.

The solution: Spend a good hour or two learning the ins-and-outs of your gear. If you hate reading the manuals (because they’re often so boring), search for video tutorials online about the equipment you’re using, whether it be a camera or audio recorder.

Understanding your equipment’s strengths and limitations will help you maximize it’s efficiency.



2. Be Prepared (Even Over Prepared)

Being prepared before the actual shoot, may just be the most important aspect to filming.

Forgot your camera batteries, or clearing up space in your SD cards? You’ve just ruined your day’s film set.

Our tip: Prepare a checklist of all the things you’ll need to prepare for the shoot. Extra batteries, cleaning cloth, backup drives, power cords, all the way to confirmation of location-clearance and weather compatibility. Write them down, and cross-check them off one-by-one.

Being prepared is a highly critical yet underrated process. Don’t neglect.



3. Use a Tripod

It’s always a good idea to bring a tripod, or mono pod along. No matter how well you can endure long periods of heavy lifting, you’re still human – and your body will eventually grow tired.

Let your tripod do the heavy lifting – plus it provides a higher grantee on producing non-shaky dizziness-inducing results .


4. Bring out the Lights

Without proper lighting – your results will suffer. Lighting is the most important aspect to your video and film. It not only ensures ‘visibility’, but clarity, texture, mood.

During your preparation phase, determine the amount of lighting you’ll need.

If you’re shooting just one person, and it’s half-body, perhaps a portable LED light will suffice. However, if your subject consists of 10-15 people, you may need a few wide broadcasting lights for coverage.

The environment (indoor or outdoors?), size of room, subject are all key variables to consider.



5. Ace the Audio

Your audio happens to be one of the deal breakers. Poor audio quality will always destroy the video experience. Make sure you’ve selected audio that aligns with your

Make sure you’ve selected audio that aligns with your visual imagery, and make sure the quality is never compromised.

This means: Get a good mic, know the right audio recording settings, and know how to edit your sound in post-production. Be savvy across the entire sound creation journey.

We highly recommend getting a sound engineer to tweak your audio, to optimize it for best playback performance across all stereo system.


5 Quick Lighting Principles You Should Know

5 Key Lighting Principles

摄影时需要注意作品中的光线运用,而你需要知道如何合理利用光线的 5 个基本原则。

1. Key Lighting

You can think of any light that is the dominant light in a scene as a key light.

在室外进行拍摄时,由于太阳光的光线是最强的,我们通常选择自然光作为 Key Light。Key Light 是整个作品的情绪定位关键。

2. Shadow Generation

In lighting, darkness is just as important as light. This darkness can be caused by the absence of light or by an object blocking the light.

当光打向物体的时候,产生的影子可以影响整幅作品的构图与情绪。所以当你在拍摄视频或摄影时,大部分情况下我们选择用 Key Light 来打造想要的阴影效果。



3. Light Quality Control

The quality of light-whether it is hard or soft-is important in lighting, contributing to the mood of a scene.



4. Fill Lighting

Fill light is generally a soft light that doesn’t cast shadows.

你已经在现场调试好了自己的 Key Light ,但你决定你想要再往现场多加入一些光源,这时候通常会选择加入 Fill Light。Fill Light 属于柔光,并不会对拍摄物件制作阴影。通常在加入 fill light 的时候,会选择在 key light 的对面稍下位置加入。

5. Back Lighting

A third type of light commonly used in a three-point lighting setup is the back light.

背光可以加强拍摄人物或物件的存在感与立体感,通常如果拍摄人物与背景有足够的张力时,摄影师不需要再利用 back light 去突出人物的轮廓与棱角。

These are 5 of the most commonly applied lighting principles you should consider for your next shoot.

3 Video Ideas That’ll Spark Sales For Your Business



Growth via Video

Hands down, we’re at the golden age where video offers the greatest growth for businesses of all sizes – when used strategically.

It’s the most potent tool in communicating value to your audience.

After all, that’s what your product or service should be doing.





Most businesses still trail behind with producing and distributing their videos consistently. Some blame the expense, some just don’t know where to start.

There’s a deep pool of sales potential and possibilities you can drum up – if only you take action.

Here are some quick video ideas your business can get started with to experience massive ROI from.





1. Customer Testimonials (客户评价)

You know it. You’re always more inclined to buy something, after you read positive reviews about it. This is social proof working it’s magic. It applies both on and offline.

Now, imagine your own customer testimonial video – tirelessly promoting your business online. It always fares better to have your customers recommend you – rather than you doing it yourself.

A customer’s genuine endorsement may just be the tipping point for purchase you need it. Some is always better than none. Think about it.


现在,想象一下,当你的客户评价视频 ——不知疲倦地在各网站滚动播放,宣传着你的产品或服务,是不是比文字和图片来的更具象,更生动?





(Above is a quick preview on the steps you can take to get started with your customer video testimonial)

2. Product Demonstrations 产品演示

Sometimes it’s difficult to explain and demonstrate what a product does. Video is the perfect medium to show your target audience not just the features and benefits of your creation, but how to use it.




3. Video Tips & Advice 视频小提示和建议

When you share your professional insights which serves to solve your customer’s needs – you’re branding yourself with impact. It’s the highway to earning trust and credibility. These stripes are worth fighting for – as it could give you the edge over your pie-in-the-sky competitors.

Video tips and advice establishes you not only as an expert in your industry – you’re building a sincere connection on the spot. We’re humans, and we tend to favor brands ‘with a face’.





You can then get visitors to visiting your website, sign up to your email list, while shopping/studying further about your brand. The goal is to get visitors to ‘spend more time’ with you.

We hope the above 3 key-points helped brainstorm some video benefits for you. Stay tuned more tips and secrets on how to produce and promote your video here.



请持续关注 Recquixit 录可喜 我们的Blog,这里有你想知道的,更多关于如何制作视频和如何推广视频的技巧和秘密!

3 Profitable Ways to Use Video for Your Business


Videos for Revenues

Videos have multiple and oft-underrated advantages – they’re not just great sources of entertainment.

For one, they’re the most versatile marketing tool. It has infinite potential to go viral, and it’s cross-platform friendly. What’s that mean? You can share it on all social networks, on your phone, and even offline.

Two, they offer serious branding power. Use videos to reinforce your brand image and values.

Now, let’s talk about 3 profitable ways on how to use videos to build your business.


Firepower for Promotions

If you’re going to promote something, what’s the most budget-efficient and highest impact move?

Promote online.

With the right video and online syndication in place, you’ll be counting more leads in one night than you would have by handing out flyers on the streets in one month.

Nowadays, online advertising campaigns also allow you to ‘select’ who views your videos – this way, you can sleep soundly knowing that your money isn’t blindly burnt. Oh, and we’re sure you know this by now: People always respond more favorably to videos.




In-Store Experience

A great way to spice up your store’s decor and reinforce that you’re ‘here with the times’ is by displaying video in your store. Even if you’re setting up a pop-up store, bringing a video on board will make your customer’s experience more interactive.

Your video can be abstract, instructional, artistic – whichever aligns best with the experience you’re trying to craft.

You’ve got all the space, you’ve got all the rights, why not make use of it?

Video Testimonials

If you’d like to win over those stubborn on-the-fence customers, video testimonials could just be the tipping point.

A well-produced and realistic feedback by your past client or customer is proven to help bring you more customers.

We call this getting your ‘word-of-mouth’ on film.

We’re confident that all methods presented above will drive more sales, exposure – awareness to your business. Give it a try. You’d be surprised at who watches and visits your venue.


At RECQUIXIT, we focus on fast turnaround times without ever compromising the quality of the end-result. 10-15 business days. No monumental fees, only affordable pricing models here.


Looking for an affordable and reliable shanghai filming company? Let us help.

We’ve got all bases covered. From creative planning, production, all the way to post-production, we’ll take care of all the heavylifting.

正在寻找上海专业摄影师、视频人? 让 RECQUIXIT 录可喜 来帮你实现


Click here to get started!


We Care, A Lot – Film Production in Shanghai

We care.

The font used for your title.

The syncing of the instrumental’s kick or drums to the action movement’s on film.

Every single camera movement and pan executed.

From the planning stages to post-production, we care every step of the way.

“Every second and frame in the video better be good. We want both parties to be absolutely happy. Or, we don’t deliver it.” — Andrew Wang, Founder/Videographer/Director of RECQUIXIT

Can’t Rush It

We admit: Time is always against us – but it’s also our best ally.

Time never fails to surprise us with new ideas. This is why we never rush our projects and leave rooms for videos to mature during production.

We do not do overnight deliveries: Why? because that’s akin to delivering a premature baby.

At Recquixit, we always give our team member’s time for their brain’s to breathe. This allows everyone to return with with better judgment and ideas to improve the final video.

From experimenting with new effects to re-arranging visual sequences, we’re always searching for the best possibilities. Every shot must carry that maximum punch.

Always Improving


We don’t claim to be the best filming company in Shanghai; but one thing we can promise is that we’re always improving. Video creation is a craft and skill like any other pro sport – you need to keep training at it.

I like to see how other videos have been produced. How other artists project the imprints on their brain.

Our team’s always researching and sponging up new creative concepts and production hacks daily. To see what’s out there. The possibilities are infinite – so the pursuit to learning never stops.

More references, more practice. This is an infinite loop we live by.

Whenever we see a web commercial or creative event shoot, we try to replicate it.

“Whenever I see videos filmed by others, I simulate their creation process in my head. This dissection process has become automatic.”

Try Us: Your Go-To Filmmakers in Shanghai


Whether it’s an advertisement, documentary, web series, or personal shoot, we take all film making stages seriously — regardless of the scale and budget. From creative planning to the final stages, we make sure we fight tooth and nail to get everything right – if not better than expected. These are the principles we strictly adhere to.

Half-assed works will only make us look bad – and we make sure to avoid that at all cost.


因为, 我们在乎

































粗糙的半成品, 只会让我们的形象受到冲击,我们保证不计代价避免一切负面能量。






Your Partners in Video Production & Filmmaking – Shanghai

Videos Engineered for Business Growth

Here at RECQUIXIT, we pride ourselves in offering world-class yet affordable video filming services for small business and independent professionals in Shanghai.

We love creating motion visuals that help our client’s businesses grow. From creative planning to post-production, we’ve got all bases covered.

We believe that a well-custom made video shouldn’t only introduce your brand purpose – it should connect & engage with your end-users.

Building trust, authority, curiosity, confidence. That’s what a video can effortlessly accomplish once you’ve produced it correctly.

Engage, interact, build trust, and bring them to your world. Over 87% of all business agree that videos add credibility to your brand.

You’ve got to use it to know how useful it is.

In fact, I’d say it’s your perfect salesman. – Andrew Wang, Founder of RECQUIXIT.



High ROI Digital Ad Spend

Producing a high quality interactive video is where you should invest your ads or marketing funds in.

Why? because videos will continue to bring you lifelong exposure, as long as it continues to stay online.

Couple that with smart distribution, and you can potentially gain long-term positive returns. More viewers, more potential buyers.

It’s a win-win, and that’s why we’re investing all our effort to producing high impact videos that converts.


A Profitable Digital Business Asset

That initial payment for production will pay you back over and over.  In fact, you’ll want to make more once you realize the power videos can harness. It’s a vital marketing asset that may just transform your business.

We provide a diverse range of packages, with video shoots for: Personal, Product, Places.

Everything is handled with care – we treat your business just like we’d take care of ours.



Some Video Ideas that Win

Some recommended video ideas for small businesses: Promo videos, product demonstrations, fan reviews, to photo trailers. These are all relatively easy to execute.

Selling a product and you’ve got happy customers writing in? Have a product testimonial made and reward them for their honest and help.

Running a restaurant or coffee shop, film it! Give your audience online a chance to tour your venue.




Boosting Those Numbers

At RECQUIXIT, we focus only on what matters – producing videos that strengthens your bottom line.

Let us will help position your brand and business for greater impact, reach, and customers.


3 Reasons Why Your Factory Needs a Video

3 Reasons: Why Your Factory Needs a Video

There a myriad of reasons. You can use video as part of your marketing campaign, or create a video for public relations to filming internal on-boarding guides for your new employees.

Save time, get more done, maximize productivity. That’s what all factories should focus on.

By tapping into the power of video, your factory and brand can reap the following benefits as stated below.



Gain Credibility

Giving your clients a preview of your facilities well-being, clean environment, and friendly staff, is not only good business practice, but works in your brand image’s favor.

Use video to improve your brand image.

What are some things you may consider filming? Start with our client.

What would they want to see in order to work with you?

What visual elements would they like to see, in order to vote in your favor and not your competitors?


Instill Trust

Your client could be based overseas – and they won’t have have the luxury of time to fly-in on a whim to visit.

Why not shortcut the process of winning their trust over, by introducing yourself via video?

Get your company’s CEO or director behind the screen to provide a warm greeting and introduction. A video for your factory doesn’t have to be complicated or Hollywood-material.

The key is to be visible, transparent, accessible.


Gain Publicity

You’ve got a factory; we’re sure you could always use more inquiries.

With the right video and marketing campaign in place, you’re only one step away from scoring more potential leads from your business. Upload your company video to the primary networks, and be seen by potential clients worldwide.

Acquiring new clients can be a time consuming process, but this can be solved with video.

Keep yourself busy with fine-tuning the operations, and let your video take care of the sales for you.

Make sure you check out more of our works at our portfolio.


4k Video and Film Services, Shanghai  Factory

Video filmed & produced by Andrew Wang

Qiutong Factory Introduction – A manufacturing  supplier that specializes in chips & boards.

Video Purpose: The final cut will be used as an interior digital motion display inside their office.

Format: 4K Production, HD

Camera: Lumix GH4

Need a Factory Video?

Does your factory need a video? Need a corporate video or promo video for your facilities?

We can help you.

We’re got a team of video professionals standing by.

From creative planning, production, all the way to post-production, we’ll take care of all the heavy-lifting.

正在寻找上海专业摄影师、视频人? 让 RECQUIXIT 录可喜 来帮你实现


Click here to get started!

